We hardly ever stop to take a breath! Keep up-to-date with the Lung Health Foundation’s latest news:
Media Release

Lung Health Foundation Announces New Chief Executive Officer, Jessica Buckley
September 20, 2022 – TORONTO – In a move designed to build on its long-standing history of impact and success, the Board of Directors of the Lung Health Foundation announces the appointment of Jessica Buckley,

Putting Lung Health on the Agenda — What we’re watching for in Party Platforms this Federal Election
As Canada begins to chart a path forward from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians more than ever understand the importance of lung health and expect party leaders to reflect their concerns.

Rallying Canadians to dedicate your vaccination and help get the word out to end the pandemic, together
The Lung Health Foundation is proud to join This Is Our Shot to be #TogetherAgain.
Lung News

Lung Health Foundation Welcomes Rachel Jacobs as New Vice President of Partnerships and Development
Rachel Jacobs is the LHF’s new Vice President of Partnerships and Development. Learn more about the big impact she’ll have on our community!

What are an estimated 750,000 Canadian youth doing DAILY?
We hit the street to find out how much Canadians know about a rapidly growing lung health threat.

Lung Cancer Awareness In The News
The Lung Health Foundation recently appeared on a full-page of the Toronto Star. The article documents our efforts as an organization to raise awareness regarding key lung cancer issues, to advocate for better policy decisions surrounding support and treatment, and to reduce the unjust stigma surrounding this disease.

What is Radon, and Why Should You Care About Its Impact on Your Health?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that’s invisible, odorless, and tasteless—yet it poses a significant health risk if left unchecked. It forms from the decay of uranium in soil, rock, and water, and can accumulate to dangerous levels inside buildings, including homes, schools, and workplaces. The more airtight a building, the higher the potential radon concentration, which is why modern, energy-efficient homes are often at greater risk for radon buildup.

November is Make a Will Month: What Does it Mean to Leave a Legacy?
Creating a will is not just about legalities—it’s about leaving a legacy that reflects your values, relationships, and impact on the world. November’s “Make a Will Month” encourages us all to take this important step, but what does it really mean to leave a legacy, and how can a will support that?

Make A Will Month: What Are the Key Benefits of Having a Will?
Having a will is more than just a legal requirement—it’s an opportunity to provide security, clarity, and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Despite common misconceptions, every adult can benefit from having a will in place, regardless of financial status or family structure. A will not only allows you to direct how your assets should be managed but also relieves your loved ones of unnecessary stress.