We’re championing respiratory health for all Canadians

O, Canada!
Canada has developed national strategies for virtually all other major chronic disease areas, but lung disease remains overlooked and underfunded.
However, lung disease is the fourth leading cause of death among adults, and lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death.
With a burden this high, does it make sense for lung health to be locked out?
We won’t rest until we’ve paved the way to healthy lungs for all Canadians
To get there, we pledge to:
- Support and empower people living with lung disease, and those close to them
- Elevate lung health awareness
- Partner with like-minded organizations and work towards our shared goals
- Influence the federal and provincial governments to enact legislative and regulatory changes that result in real-world improvements to the lung health of Canadians

What we’re advocating for

When it comes to lung health, we’re not all starting from the same place. Some Canadians face poor air quality, some have difficulty accessing the healthcare they need, and some require extra support to live smoke-and-vape-free. Many need all of this help and more to breathe their best.
Achieving lung health equity will mean that everyone has the same opportunities to breathe clean air, get the right treatments, and live a healthy life. Getting there will take multiple changes, big and small, at every level of government.
To start the wave of change, we are currently focused on
four key advocacy and policy goals:
Lung Cancer
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Smoking/ Vaping
Prevention & Cessation
Air Quality
Building a movement to advance advocacy and policy
The National Lung Health Alliance
The National Lung Health Alliance (NLHA) represents a remarkable intersection of provincial lung health charities and other like-minded organizations, all united by a common purpose — to champion vital issues in lung health! Rooted in collective decision making, the National Lung Health Alliance is about working together to maximize our impact. We currently serve as secretariat of the National Lung Health Alliance.
Read our briefing note:
Women and COPD
Read our latest federal pre-budget submission:
2024 NLHA Pre-Budget Submission FINAL Aug2 2024

Read our recent letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
Smoke-free Generation: Protecting Canada’s Youth from harmful effects of smoking and vaping now and in the future
National & provincial coalitions and alliances
Alliance for a Tobacco Free Ontario (ATFO)
- Read our open letter: The Alliance for a Tobacco Free Ontario applauds the Chief Medical Officer Health of Ontario for a comprehensive 2023 Annual Report addressing tobacco and vape use - Lung Health Foundation
Read our official Pre-Budget Submission
Right2Survive works across Canada to spread awareness of the vital importance of lung cancer screening and urges governments to improve access. Learn more at Right2Survive.ca.
Cancer Action Now Alliance (CANA)
CANA brings together patient organizations, professional associations, and life sciences companies from across Canada to call on governments to address the issues in our cancer care systems so that Canadians with cancer have a chance to live longer, better lives. Learn more at CancerActionNow.ca.
Global Airways and Allergies Patient Platform (GAAPP)
GAAPP’s mission is to globally support and empower patients with allergies, airways and atopic diseases by protecting their rights and insisting on the duties of governments, healthcare professionals and the general public.
GAAPP’s vision is to create a world where patients with allergies, airways and atopic diseases live better. Learn more at Home – Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform (gaapp.org)

Provincial Spotlight: Ontario

You’re invited to the
Lung Health Foundation’s
Breathe Change Policy Forums
Meet the issues (and the solutions)
The link between your breathing and public policy is stronger than you may think!
Presented by the Lung Health Foundation, Breathe Change has been introducing Canadians to the hottest topics in lung health since 2023. These free and accessible events turn advocacy into action by bringing diverse groups together to co-create actionable, real-world solutions to critical gaps in our healthcare system.
Our leadership across multiple lung conditions and our holistic approach to lung health make us uniquely positioned to bring the right people together and find innovative and efficient solutions to emerging respiratory health issues. As a registered patient organization, “the right people” will always include people with lived experience. Breathe Change is a platform that allows them to advocate for change.
Riley Sanders, Senior Manager, Public Affairs

In case you misssed it
Take Action!
Here’s how you can make a difference right now:
Join The Loop
Co-designed by those touched by lung conditions and the Lung Health Foundation, The Loop is a vibrant community network facilitating access to resources, programs, support, and opportunities to drive change so that you can breathe a little easier. The Loop members will receive a monthly newsletter keeping them “In the Loop” on new developments and opportunities in lung health. Learn more and join.“
Join an Advisory Committee or become an advocate
We’re always looking for passionate advocates! Whether you have a personal connection to lung disease or just want to promote lung health, we need your voice.
Contact your local news platforms about lung cancer
Want to get lung cancer the attention it deserves? We’ve created a tool that will help you generate a ‘letter to the editor’ and send it to your local news outlets.
Sign the Smoke-Free Generation pledge
Want to help address the youth vaping epidemic? Sign our pledge to show our leaders that Canadians are serious about helping youth live smoke-and-vape-free!
Share your lung cancer experience through a Patient Input Survey
Your voice can unlock hope for others and inform the government on which treatments to publicly fund.