We hardly ever stop to take a breath! Keep up-to-date with the Lung Health Foundation’s latest news:
Media Release

Can cannabis use help with sleep apnea, weaken immune response, and alter breathing tests?
Prior to 2020, the Lung Health Foundation operated as the Ontario Lung Association. Enjoy this content from our archives. The Lung Health Foundation and Tetra Bio-Pharma research award recipients hope to help fill gaps in knowledge

Putting Breathing First During Big Health System Changes
Prior to 2020, the Lung Health Foundation operated as the Ontario Lung Association. Enjoy this content from our archives. The Government of Ontario announced plans today to make sweeping changes to the province’s health system

Press Release – Moving The Dial
Prior to 2020, the Lung Health Foundation operated as the Ontario Lung Association. Enjoy this content from our archives. The Lung Association wants to help Canadians gain control of their asthma A new report shows
Lung News

COPD Patients Benefit Through Partnership to Improve Access to Care
The Lung Health Foundation and Respiplus have come together to improve access to high-quality care for COPD patients across Canada. The partnership brings together the Respiplus membership of over 16,000 Canadian healthcare providers with the

Canadians Urged to Stop Asking the Wrong Question About Lung Cancer
New campaign reveals ways that stigma slows progress against Canada’s #1 cancer killer Toronto, Ontario – September 30 – The Lung Health Foundation and Lung Cancer Canada have joined forces to highlight the hurtful and

Answers to your top 3 COVID-19 immunity questions
The Lung Health Foundation is made up of some pretty incredible people who are working together (but apart!) to help Canadians breathe with ease. Today, we would like to introduce you to Dr. Dawn Bowdish,

La Fondation pour la santé pulmonaire et les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) s’associent pour soutenir la recherche sur la santé pulmonaire des Premières Nations, des Inuits et/ou des Métis.
Vous savez que nous avons pour mission de combler les lacunes en matière de prévention, de diagnostic et de traitement des maladies pulmonaires au Canada. Mais saviez-vous que certains groupes sont confrontés à des lacunes encore plus grandes? C’est pourquoi nous avons créé un partenariat novateur dans le cadre de notre plus récente initiative conjointe de financement de la recherche.

The Importance of Clean Air and Your Lungs
Air pollution is a major public health concern. It has been linked to increased instances of breathing problems, higher rates of hospitalization, and premature death. According to Health Canada, air pollution contributes to approximately 15,300 deaths annually in Canada and incurs a total economic cost of $120 billion each year. These staggering statistics underscore the urgent need to prioritize clean air initiatives.

Introducing the Hope Innovation Research Grants: A New Era for Lung Health Research
Januarys are always busy at the Lung Health Foundation. From helping patients manage flare-ups to supporting those aiming to quit smoking, our work never stops. Amid this activity, a phone call brought news that would change our future: a generous bequest from Lloyd Alexander Hope, making history as our second-largest donation ever.