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Support your practice with LHF

We're Canada’s leading lung health charity.

Formerly known as the Ontario Lung Association, the Lung Health Foundation has been helping healthcare professionals deliver high quality care for more than a century! Scroll on to explore five ways we can support your practice:

#1: The LHF Collaborative

The Lung Health Foundation Collaborative is the best way to keep connected to the Lung Health Foundation.  It’s where health professionals, researchers, and other experts come together to improve lung health for all Canadians. Guided by LHF’s Strategic Plan, members of the LHF Collaborative inform strategy, programs, policy, and research to drive change.

#2: A one-stop-shop of tools for healthcare professionals

What do Spirometry Interpretation Guides, COPD Care Maps, Respiratory Medication Reference Tables, and Severe Asthma Referral Tools have in common? You can find them all in our extensive library expertly curated Clinical Tools. 

#3: Our Resource Library

Our comprehensive patient-facing Resource Library is full of empowering self-management tools like the ones you received in your introductory package:

#4: FREE patient programs

Complement your in-clinic care with programs can help your patients or clients meet their lung health goals:

#5: Exclusive events for healthcare professionals

We offer education and networking opportunities like Better Breathing Week, a unique CME opportunity that unites education, policy, and research.