We hardly ever stop to take a breath! Keep up-to-date with the Lung Health Foundation’s latest news:
Media Release

New partnership gives Canadians trustworthy evidence, information about the evolving science driving the COVID-19 pandemic
Together with Canada’s Global Nexus for Pandemics and Biological Threats, we’re helping Canadians stay safe and make informed vaccine decisions.

Canadians Urged to Stop Asking the Wrong Question About Lung Cancer
New campaign reveals ways that stigma slows progress against Canada’s #1 cancer killer Toronto, Ontario – September 30 – The Lung Health Foundation and Lung Cancer Canada have joined forces to highlight the hurtful and

Walter Gretzky encourages Canadians to participate in the #MyLungLife Hockey Challenge
The Lung Health Foundation challenges Canadians to give lung health their best shot for a COVID-19-safe fundraising initiative.
Lung News

Money Matters and your lung health journey
Join us on September 21st at 1:00 pm EST for a FREE one hour webinar via Zoom hosted in partnership with Wellspring.
Treatment Access for ALK+ Lung Cancer Patients
Lung Health Foundation urges government to re-evaluate the funding recommendations made for these treatments and give ALK+ lung cancer.

Protected: Better Breathing Week
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New Treatments, Novel Research Drive Better Survival Rates for Canadians with Lung Cancer, Offering Hope to Thousands: Lung Health Foundation
Lung Cancer Awareness Month: Survivors Share Stories of Hope and Resilience Amid Revolutionary Medical Breakthroughs

Breathe Easy This Fall and Winter: Essential Tips for Healthy Lungs in Cold Weather
As fall transitions into winter, many people experience changes in their respiratory health due to colder air, increased indoor heating, and other seasonal factors.

SPOTLIGHT: RSV Vaccines in Ontario (and What’s New for 2024)
Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, infects the lungs and airways. It’s highly contagious, and infections typically last one to two weeks.
RSV can affect anyone of any age, causing mild cold-like symptoms for most. However, vulnerable people are at risk of developing severe RSV that can seriously affect their breathing.
While you can catch RSV at any time of year, ‘RSV season’ generally starts in the fall and lasts until late spring.