We hardly ever stop to take a breath! Keep up-to-date with the Lung Health Foundation’s latest news:
Media Release
Lung News

Protected: Breathe! Bash 2023
October 13, 2022
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
It’s time for your Asthma Fall Tune Up!
October 11, 2022
If you have asthma, it’s important for you to stay on top of managing your symptoms and triggers. The fall is the perfect time to evaluate your environments (interior and exterior) for risks, to make
A Fresh Start: The entrepreneurial spirit of the Lung Health Foundation will live on
October 6, 2022
On Monday, September 19, George Habib handed over the leadership of the Lung Health Foundation to the new President and CEO, Jessica Buckley. We sat down with George recently and asked him about some of