Looking back at Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2024
This Lung Cancer Awareness Month, the Lung Health Foundation got to work spreading a message of HOPE. To us, that means Helping Others Persevere through Experience. And our community stepped up to help!

We sponsored the Canadian Cancer Society’s Pan-Canadian Lung Cancer Summit. It was the perfect opportunity to connect with members of our coast-to-coast Lung Cancer Patient Advisory Committee!
From left to right: Kelly Graham-Miele (Manitoba), Jessica Buckley (LHF CEO), Samantha Ball (LHF Public Policy & Advocacy Director), Mary Ann Bradley (Ontario), Diane Colton (Alberta), Riley Sanders (LHF, Senior Manager of Public Affairs), Heather Hogan (New Brunswick)

Thank you to Steve Blake, our 2024 Ambassador of H.O.P.E.

When 56-year-old Blake first heard the words ‘inoperable lung cancer with only 12-24 months to live,’ his world crumbled. But today, Blake isn’t just surviving — he’s thriving. As an Ambassador of H.O.P.E., he’s become a beacon of hope for thousands by sharing his story and urging Canadians to get checked out if anything ever changes with their breathing. Steve’s advice? “Live life, love something!”
NEXT STEPS: The 5 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Create More Lung Cancer Survivors
Thanks to revolutionary advances in treatments, screening, diagnostics, radon awareness, tobacco control, and research, the 32,000 Canadians who will face a lung cancer diagnosis this year have reasons to be optimistic. Still, there’s a LOT of work to be done…
- Embrace new treatments
Hope is on the horizon in the form of more than a dozen new drugs in queue for review from Canada’s Drug Agency (CDA). To make sure that patient voices are always a part of the plan, LHF has joined forces with Lung Cancer Canada and Canadian Cancer Survivor Network to create a single, consolidated Patient Input Survey. This allows us to create joint patient input submissions to Canada’s Drug Agency.
Our challenge to you: Add your voice to our submission! - Stop the stigma
Nobody deserves lung cancer, but blame-and-shame language runs rampant in many lung cancer conversations. For some reason, everyone wants to know whether a person living with lung cancer smoked prior to their diagnosis – as if that should affect how much one cares.
Our challenge to you: Learn about lung cancer stigma!
- Explore innovative solutions to screening
Let’s think outside the box, and maybe even outside the clinic! LHF is exploring real-world solutions to screening accessibility. Right now, we’re studying the feasibility of filling gaps with mobile lung cancer screening in Ontario.
Our challenge to you: Read our report and think about the barriers to screening, including geography! - Spread radon awareness
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer overall, and the leading cause of lung cancer in Canadians who have had a limited tobacco smoking history or have never smoked. LHF is working to increase radon awareness and advocate for solutions.
Our challenge to you: Buy a test kit to know your levels (they’re available at cost through the Evict Radon National Study!) - Invest in lung cancer programming
Our work in lung cancer doesn’t end on November 30th. We urgently need your help to keep the momentum going all year long.
Our challenge to you: Donate to help build a better tomorrow. Our Shine a Light holiday campaign is on now!