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Join us for ‘Building a Vape-Free September’ on August 28th

Through our Halt the Haze Learning Series, we’ve spent the summer proving that you don’t have to be a vaping expert to make a difference – just a caring adult with a little evidence-based knowledge and a lot of heart.

We hope you’ll join us for Building a Vape-Free September!


The need-to-know details

WHEN:  Wednesday, August 28th |  11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. ET

WHERE: On Zoom – register here. Can’t make it? Register to receive the recordings!

WHO: This session will be of special interest to educators and school staff, but it’s also packed with insights for anyone who works with or cares for youth!

WHY: Because thousands of Canadian teens are hooked on vaping – an addiction so dangerously discreet, the adults who care for them often feel out-of-the-loop. 

HOW: Halt the Haze has been made possible thanks to a formal partnership between the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Lung Health Foundation, and it’s driven by our Quash youth smoking and vaping cessation program.


An empowering webinar for educators and people who work with teens

This webinar will help educators and school staff refresh their knowledge about vaping and plan for supportive, empowering conversations with their students.

Your hosts Erin and Jeff will also help you understand Ontario’s new rules regarding vape products in schools, helping you feel capable of making a positive impact, and ensuring you are equipped to navigate potential challenging conversations/situations.

Strategically scheduled in the lead-up to back-to-school season, this webinar will also help you spot the latest vape devices – it’s trickier than you may think!

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