May is Asthma Awareness Month!
We celebrate World Asthma Day (WAD) on May 2, 2023. This initiative is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma, (GINA), a World Health Organization collaborative organization founded in 1993.
WAD is held each May to raise awareness of Asthma worldwide.
For the month of May, the Lung Health Foundation is launching our annual campaign, themed “Asthma Care for All”. Throughout the month we will be featuring four different populations impacted by asthma.
Get the asthma support you need to breathe easy!
Asthma is a chronic (life-long) condition that makes it harder to breathe. This is because the airways in your lungs are more sensitive and get filled with mucus or tighten up when you’re around triggers, making it harder for air to pass through. While asthma can’t be cured, with proper treatment, people with asthma can lead normal, healthy, active lives.
At the Lung Health Foundation, we have resources and information to help you stay on top of your condition. From free downloads to Certified Respiratory Educators, we can help!
If you’d like to know more information about the symptoms, triggers, diagnosis and treatment of Asthma, please click our link below.
Meet some of our friends who have been impacted by asthma.

Meet Frank.
He loves taking long walks in the summer and chatting with his friends whenever they are outside. Frank suffers from severe asthma. His triggers are cats and tobacco smoke.

Meet Aisha.
She loves playing tag with her friends outside. Her favourite part is not getting caught. When the weather changes, she starts coughing. The cough is so bad it keeps her up at night and out of school.

Meet Milo.
Milo cares for his dad, Thomas who has asthma. Because they live in an old house, Milo is always cleaning since he knows that dust is a trigger for his dad.

Meet Kayla.
Kayla is a healthcare professional who treats asthma patients on a regular basis. She loves helping her patients learn self-management techniques, and seeing them get back to active lives!
How can the Lung Health Foundation Help?
Support Groups
Have you ever wanted to share your own experiences, accomplishments and frustrations in dealing with asthma? A support group can offer you a place to share your thoughts with others, as well as support and empathy only people affected by lung disease can understand.

The Lung Health Line
Get one on one conversations with a Certified Respiratory Educator (CRE) who can work through the Asthma Action plan with you.

Get one on one conversations with a Certified Respiratory Educator (CRE) who can work through the Asthma Action plan with you.
Call us at 1-888-344-LUNG (5864)
Monday to Friday between 9:00am-4:00pm ET or email us your question anytime at
Have asthma? Keep in touch with us so you can keep control!