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Hope, Progress and Proactive Measures Highlight Canada’s Lung Cancer Awareness Efforts

Today is World Lung Cancer Day. The Lung Health Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of lung cancer issues and magnifying the need for more proactive measures taken to diagnose early today and every other day of the year.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Canada, accounting for nearly 25%. It is the most diagnosed cancer, but with 70% of lung cancer diagnosed at Stage III or IV, it is critical to drastically change and improve the options available and the timing in which diagnosis occurs.

Early detection of lung cancer is everythingIt can lead to more treatment options and a better prognosis. That’s why we’re highlighting two special interventions this World Lung Cancer Day:


Bringing Screening to Those that Need it Most


The Lung Health Foundation has teamed up with Healthcare Together and Dr. Geoffrey Liu of University Health Network to study the creation of a mobile trailer lung cancer screening program in Ontario. The idea is to remove barriers around cost, distance and availability by bringing screening directly into the communities that need it most. By unlocking earlier testing, earlier diagnosis, and earlier treatments, mobile screening vehicles can be one of the most significant advancements in helping more Canadians beat lung cancer.  Visit the LHF Mobile Trailer Lung Cancer Screening page to stay informed on the progress and timing of this life saving initiative.


Proactive Awareness Through Sharing


If you’re living with lung cancer, sharing your experience can help unlock better treatment access for others just like you.

Powerhouse patient groups including those from LHF, Lung Cancer Canada and Canadian Cancer Survivor Network are joining forces to create a single, consolidated voice to bring valuable insights directly to the Canada’s Drug Agency (CDA).

With so many new treatments for lung cancer, sharing feedback through surveys can help unlock better access and more funding for new treatments. If you or someone you care for is undergoing lung cancer treatment, we urge you to share your experience through our confidential survey.

Moving in the Right Direction


Data shows that lung cancer death rates have shrunk by more than 4% for both men and women in the past decade. Much of the decline is in response to the significant decrease in smoking throughout Canada. But there is also more hope than ever for those suffering from lung cancer thanks to the numerous new drugs, treatments, and proactive programs brought to life through the efforts of every Canadian that takes the time to care and make a difference. To all those people on World Lung Cancer Day, we say THANK YOU!

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