Announcing the Better Breathing Student Travel Award
The Lung Health Foundation has always believed in the power of innovation and fresh perspectives. That’s why we’re excited to announce the Better Breathing Student Travel Award, aimed at making our Better Breathing Week (BBW) in 2024 more accessible to budding respiratory researchers.
The travel awards aim to promote student attendance at BBW to enhance capacity building among the next generation of lung health researchers. Set to take place on Friday, January 19, 2024, the student program will feature two enriching sessions: the Rapid-Fire Thesis Competition, where students will be challenged to convey the impact of their research to a general audience, and a Mentorship Event, providing a golden opportunity for students to network with and gain insights from seasoned researchers.
Students can access the Better Breathing Student Travel Award by applying to participate in the Rapid-Fire Thesis Competition. Students will be asked to send in an abstract of their current research which will be judged on clarity, research rigor and potential impact of the work to the lung health community. If accepted into the competition, students will present their work to fellow students and a general audience with senior researchers acting as judges. Successful acceptance to participate in the thesis competition will grant access to the student mentorship session as well as all other sessions at the conference.
Eligibility criteria for Better Breathing Student Travel Award
- Must apply to participate in the Rapid-Fire Thesis Competition.
- Must be a current MA/MSc (thesis based) or PhD student at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
- Must be presenting work on a project related to one of the LHF’s 5 topical areas of focus (lung cancer, asthma, COPD, infectious respiratory diseases and smoking and vaping cessation).
- Must be presenting on research they are currently involved in (e.g., thesis or a project where they play a substantive role on a research team)
- Applicants must not be in receipt of tobacco industry funding.
We firmly believe that by directing funds to empower student researchers, we are investing in the future of lung health research. This initiative reflects our unwavering commitment to nurturing the next generation of lung health researchers, promoting diversity, and ensuring fresh and innovative approaches in the field.
As we gear up for Better Breathing Week 2024, we’re excited to witness the brilliant contributions of these young scientists, furthering our mission of a brighter future for lung health.