This summer, vaccination is the key to outdoor fun
Experts have a simple message for young people itching to get out and enjoy the summer: Get the jab!
There’s an energetic feeling in the air this year as we kick off summer. After many long months of sacrifice to bring COVID-19 cases down, people of all ages will be able to enjoy more freedom this season. They’re firing up the barbecue with friends and family, travelling to their favourite holiday hideaways, and getting excited for patio parties.
However, those who aren’t fully vaccinated are still in very real danger of getting sick from COVID-19, or of spreading it to someone they love.
For further information on why you should protect yourself this summer, read our interview with Dawn Bowdish, a Canadian immunologist and professor in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University.
This summer, vaccination is the key to outdoor fun | National Post

COVID-19, or “coronavirus”, is a pandemic level virus whose symptoms in mild cases are similar to that of a flu or cold. However, COVID-19 is highly contagious with an incubation period ranging up to 14 days, making it harder to detect and quick to spread. The Canadian government is keeping a close eye on the situation and they are your best source of up to date information.
The Lung Health Foundation recognizes the serious threat of COVID-19 for anyone suffering from asthma, COPD, lung cancer, or any other lung disease. COVID-19 is not to be taken lightly and all government recommendations, such as social distancing and handwashing must be taken seriously and adhered to. If you have questions or concerns about your lung health please reach out to us via our live chat or call our free lung health line 1-888-344-LUNG (5864). The Lung Health Foundation has compiled a number of credible resources below in addition to various blog posts designed to provide help and guidance during the outbreak.
Your Help Is Needed
Do you need help understanding the COVID-19 Self Assessment?
Diane, our certified respiratory educator, is here to help you understand how to use the Canadian government’s COVID-19 self assessment tool.
Should healthcare workers with lung disease go to work?
Patients with underlying lung disease are at higher risk from COVID-19 than other patients. This can be asthma, COPD, or lung cancer.
If you have chronic lung disease you should minimize your risk as much as possible.
What does COVID-19 do to your lungs?
A 3D rendering of the effects COVID-19 had on the lungs of a 59 year old patient. Blue areas show the healthy lung tissue, while the yellow shows areas of damage.
For further information on how COVID-19 damages the body Dr. Granton provided some answers in an interview with CBC.
Are gloves effective protection?
Lung Health Foundation member, Samir Gupta, explains why gloves are not very effective means of protection against COVID-19. The best advice is to wash your hands and do not touch your face as it is your mucus membranes that allow the virus to enter, not your skin.
How can I go grocery shopping during COVID-19?
Given that COVID-19 is spread from person to person it would be best to avoid areas of public gathering as much as possible. Therefore, using a web based grocery delivery service, or taking limited trips to the grocery store would be advisable. Some Grocery stores have begun to offer senior hours to help protect those must vulnerable. CTV News has compiled a list of stores and the hours they offer.
Is Social Distancing effective and what does “flatten the curve mean”?
Social distancing, or physical distancing, is the practice of staying at home and avoiding crowded areas and people outside of your household. The goal of Social distancing is to take the weight off of our health services which could be overwhelmed. This reduction in patients would be called flattening the curve. Social distancing also lessens the risk for Canadians who are immunocompromised, living with asthma, COPD, or lung cancer.
COVID-19 Lung Health Foundation News

Ensuring Access to Inhalers & Other Medications During COVID-19
The Lung Health Foundation is monitoring the availability of several inhaled respiratory medications after receiving reports of brief local shortages. As of March 31, there are no largescale shortages reported, though individual pharmacies may temporarily

Good News Tuesday: Creative Canadians vs. COVID-19
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